“Lindsey’s work is like magic. I started with her feeling lost and confused and only through her presence I started gaining some deep insights about myself. She holds space for you, reminding you that all the answers are already inside of you and allowing you to just feel at ease... and trust. I found out so many beautiful and surprising things about myself.
I only had few sessions with her, but I already feel some changes in my life and I know what my next steps are. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity of working with her and I’m still on the process. I deeply recommend her if you are in a moment in your life where you need some support and guidance. She’s the person you should be looking for.”
Ana Correia, freelance photographer, psychologist and reiki practioner
When I moved to a new city last year, a lot changed in my life. Since there was no one in my circle of friends and acquaintances with whom I could talk about my new life situation, I decided to look for a professional coach to guide me through the steps into a new life. While doing some research on the Internet, I came across Lindsey's website.
The chemistry was right from the start, so that after the introductory meeting I decided very quickly for life coaching with Lindsey. In the first sessions, I was focused on discussing my new life situation and then determining in which areas I would like to grow further and which goals I would like to achieve in life in the long term.
During the conversations with Lindsey, I discovered completely new sides of myself that had shaped my life for a long time, but that I wasn't really aware of.
Lindsey is a very concentrated listener and leaves a lot of freedom in the conversations, which helps me to get to know myself better. I am very grateful to Lindsey for her work and I can only recommend coaching to anyone who wants to get to know themselves better and make more of their life.
Martin Domschke, Head of Sales
"I highly recommend Lindsey as a life and career coach. My sessions with her helped me truly move forward on a career transition, she's provided exceptional value in her ability to assess situations quickly. I felt very comfortable talking to Lindsey, as she is extremely patient and truly wants to understands one's situation.
Besides, what I found valuable going forward was that she offered me concrete tools and plans of action to help me work on my topics on my own. Even after our sessions ended, she was checking in regularly on how I was doing and offered help whenever needed.”
Alan Piatek, Head of Business Development & Partnerships
“Coaching - kann mir so etwas nützlich sein?
Ich war ehrlich gesagt, ganz schön skeptisch, insbesondere nachdem ich erfahren hatte, dass in einem Coaching keine Antworten durch den Coach kommen, sondern ich diese selber finden müßte.
Der erste Termin mit Frau Treloar verlief dann aber gut, sie ist eine sympathisch wirkende Person, die im Coaching sehr fokussiert und aufmerksam zuhört und dann mir mit Ihren Fragen geholfen hat, meine Gedanken zu ordnen und mehr darüber nachzudenken, was bei mir im Leben nicht mehr passt und woran ich arbeiten könnte. Sie hat dabei keine Antworten suggeriert sondern hat mich zum Nachdenken gebracht. Es hat einige Zeit gedauert, bis ich angefangen habe zu sehen, was mir nicht mehr gut tut und welche Möglichkeiten ich haben könnte. Teilweise wird mir das sogar erst jetzt, ein Jahr nach dem Coaching, bewußt.
Das Coaching hat mir insbesondere geholfen, einen beruflichen Umbruch nicht als exixtenzbedrohende Niederlage sondern als Chance auf einen Neuanfang mit über 50 zu sehen. Und die große Chance ist gekommen - und ich habe die Herausforderung angenommen!”
Gabi K. accountant
"It was super valuable to have Lindsey there to help and give guidance. My brain is usually a swarm of different ideas and things I want to do. Lindsey really helped me to think about what it is that I really want, what I care most about and how I can best reach my goals. Adding that extra level of thought, organization and reflection has really helped me put and keep things in perspective.
I think we often know what we need but get too wrapped up in our own heads and perceived limitations. Lindsey comes with fresh eyes and helps you find the answers you have inside and gives you confidence that in fact, you can achieve all of those things you were too nervous about."
Shauna Blackmon, freelance journalist
I had an intense group-laser-coaching with Lindsey in 2 sessions over 2,5 months. The loving, opening space Lindsey built up as a host from deep within herself helped me and the group to trust and open up in ways that enabled real progress. With a lot of patience, clarity, warmth and focus, she enabled me to get to the points which are really meaningful for me in terms of finding out what will make the desired difference - gaining clarity, self-connection, committing to and doing the next steps I longed for towards my goals.
And it was not so scary and foggy any more to set those committed steps into practice and manifest powerfully. At the end I would always measure sessions personally with the question of how much it made a difference in my life and how I felt during and after the session.
I felt safe, supported, uplifted and have much more power to invest in what really matters to me. The first session was a kick-starter and I achieved much more of my dreams, after years of struggling, than I could have imagined. The inner structural change and perspectives enabled sustainable future manifestations!
The second was more to reflect on and ground myself and reconnect to what else matters to me, which is to stay self-connected (tuned-in to my needs and to other people), setting powerful intentions and visions on how to fine-tune into the direction of more ease and joy in the whole process.
I’m so grateful and happy. Thank you Lindsey!! Anni"
Anni B, HeartMath/GCI Ambassador
Zwischen März und Mai habe ich zwei Gruppen-Coaching mit Lindsey machen dürfen und bin sehr dankbar für diese Erfahrung. Ich habe nochmals gelernt, dass wir selbst die Expert_innen unserer eigenen Probleme und Lösungen sind. Es fällt mir jedoch oft schwer einen Aspekt zu fokussieren und konsequent eine Lösung zu erarbeiten.
Lindsey hat diesen Prozess großartig unterstützt und mir in dieser Entwicklung sehr geholfen. In ihrer fokussierte, wertfreien und aufmerksamen Art schien sie immer genau die richtige Frage zu stellen. Durch die Erfahrung in der Gruppe hatten wir viele Möglichkeiten passiv durch die Anderen mitzulernen und Erfahrungen, Schwierigkeiten oder Strategien auf uns selbst zu beziehen und daran zu wachsen.
Ich kann ein Gruppencoaching mit Lindsey uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.
Julia Finsterwalder, Studentin Politikwissenschaften
Im Dezember 2016 dürfte ich Probe Coachings mit Lindsey [während ihrer Ausbildung] wahrnehmen. Ich hatte vorher keine Vorstellung davon, was mich erwartet. Nach sechs freien Sessions, habe ich noch fünf [kostenpflichtige Sessions] dazu gebucht.
Lindsey's angenehme Art und Persönlichkeit haben es mir ermöglicht, ihr von Anfang an viel aus meinem Berufs- und Privatleben anzuvertrauen.
Jede einzelne Stunde war für mich sehr wertvoll. Ich habe in späteren Situationen gemerkt, dass ich einiges Neue unbewusst, automatisch anwende.
Sie verfügt über ein breites Repertoire an Vorgehens-, bzw. Herangehensweisen, die mich häufig positiv überrascht haben. Absolut professionell und zielführend!
Ich werde in Zukunft gern wieder mit Lindsey zusammenarbeiten und kann sie sehr empfehlen.
Gabi Graupe, HR Business Partner
I booked a coaching session with Lindsey to facilitate a big life decision. I had already spent countless hours pondering this question without result, so I was not expecting much from our first session, but simply by asking the right questions in her calm & friendly way, Lindsey got to the heart of the issue surprisingly quickly. I realized that not all assumptions I held in this matter were actually valid and that on an emotional level the decision had already been made.
I'm grateful to Lindsey for catalyzing this process and can wholeheartedly recommend her as a coach.
Andreas W, Engineering Manager
"Lindsey is a very kind, patient, and warm person who always has a nice cup of tea ready and plenty of tissues too! She became my life coach roughly two years ago in late 2019. I had initially decided to start with coaching because after being in therapy for a few years, I was still struggling with a seemingly unending pattern of frenzied enthusiasm and burn-out. Even though I had begun a new study, I still felt lost and confused, not really being sure what I actually wanted for my life, and was always secretly worried that I would just never really feel happy or confident.
Fortunately, the goal-oriented and holistic approach of coaching really helped me a lot. Lindsey is an amazing listener who created a non-judgmental, safe space in every session. She was also very flexible in adapting her approach, as my underlining issues with perfectionism and confidence would show up in various facets of my life.
The best way I can describe it is that Lindsey slowly helped guide me back to myself. I am so grateful to Lindsey and I recommend her to anyone who needs help finding their next steps."
Rebecca Hamel, Data Analyst & Musician
Increased self-awareness, rich arsenal of mental techniques, better-shaped career goal is just a short list of achievements after 10+ sessions with Lindsey.
Conversations with Lindsey helped me to learn how to manage stress, how to challenge myself, how to approach complex decision making processes, and more. Being a technical mind I enjoyed the structural and consistent approach that Lindsey is using in her sessions.
I will be happy to recommend Lindsey to any IT mind who is looking to grow personally and professionally.
Andrew S., IT Professional
Ich habe bei Lindsey ein Coaching über mehrere Monate durchgeführt. Im Fokus stand dabei meine Person und u.a. die Erstellung einer Wertepyramide, Bewertung der aktuellen Situation und des Zielzustandes. Daraus abgeleitet haben wir Handlungsoptionen erarbeitet. Ich muss gestehen, ich war anfangs etwas skeptisch vom Schwerpunk des Coachings, da sich doch sonst heute so vieles um Leadership dreht. Das Ergebnis war einfach super. Das worüber ich sonst nur zwischendurch und mit viel zu wenig Beachtung nachgedacht habe, ist endlich dokumentiert. Ich habe nun das Bewusstsein über das was mir wirklich wichtig ist, wo ich steht und wie es sich mit meinem beruflichen Leben verträgt. Ich konnte bereits einige Maßnahmen ableiten und damit meine Motivation wieder erhöhen. Lindsey hat mir viele Ratschläge zu aktuellen Herausforderungen und auch Empfehlungen für die Zukunft gegeben. Darüber hinaus hat Sie auch die Stärke einfach mal zuzuhören und merkt sich die Dinge, was es sehr persönlich macht. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle nochmal meinen Dank ausdrücken und kann Lindsey uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.